Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Pause to Patience

I have had many times when my life seems like it is on pause. This are the 'scenes' that are usually cut from the finished movie made up of our lives, when you view (tell) it to others. These pauses can consist of many situation: Waiting for an answer to a job application you have sent in, wanting to do something but can't because it relies on other people, wanting a child but your body will not cooperate, waiting for school to start, lack of money which prevent possibilities, is your child getting into that kindergarten, etc. One thing that I always get out of these at times frustrating pauses is a great ability to become more patient. I will say pause leads to patience even if you want them or not. However it would be great if the person watching "Linnea" the movie would please press play. (By the way wouldn't it by cool to have a soundtrack to your life sometimes.)

My mother always uses a different metaphor for life, she tells me that my life is like a book. That all the things that have happened are chapters already written. The previous chapters will never disappear, but they lead up to your current chapter.
(My mother's dog on pause.)


  1. Well described. Sometimes in our lives "pause" is OK. When the mind races and the schedule is so full that you don't want to even start on the chores, it's alright to hit the "pause" button and just breathe. Well done, Nea.
